Web Page Policy

The purpose of the Individual Web Page server is to provide individual web space in a unified place for all active (full and part-time) Sinclair faculty and staff (see the Network Account Procedures information on the Intranet for a definition of an active faculty or staff member).

Individual Web Pages are to be used to support the learning, research, and community/public service mission of the College and all administrative functions that support this mission. When ever possible the Learning Management System (LMS) should be used for course material instead of this area.  The College encourages the use of individual web pages to share information, to improve communication, and to exchange ideas in support of these purposes. Examples of individual web page use include: an informational page created by a faculty member for a group of students; an informational page created by a staff member for other Sinclair staff members; and an informational page created by a faculty member related to his/her subject area expertise. Examples of materials for which individual web pages are NOT to be used include: family pictures; pet pictures; and ads to sell items.

Individual web space is NOT for departmental web pages. Departmental pages should be published to the external web server, www.sinclair.edu.

Individual web space is NOT available to student employees.

The pages are for the individual use of Sinclair faculty and staff and do not represent a position, opinion, or endorsement of Sinclair Community College. Views and opinions expressed on individual web pages of Sinclair Community College faculty and staff are strictly those of the page authors. Sinclair Community College page owners are responsible for the content of their pages and are subject to all applicable College policies and public laws including but not limited to:

  • Acceptable Use of Information Technology policy
  • Campus Access Policy
  • Employee and Student Harassment policies
  • All applicable copyright laws
  • Federal, state and local laws

The content of individual web pages is not routinely reviewed by Sinclair Community College. However, the College reserves the right to review all individual web pages and to remove from the Sinclair Web server any page that is found to be in violation of the law or College policies or interests or that is detrimental to performance of the Web server or the network.

Account Details

  • Your available individual web space is 25 Mb.
  • You can request individual web space by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
  • Your web space will be available three (3) business days after your request. When the helpdesk ticket is resolved you will receive a confirmation email that your space is ready.
  • Requests for additional server space beyond the default limit must be coordinated through the IT Help Desk and require written approval from the appropriate Dean or Director.
  • There is no cost to for this service.
  • Your individual web space is active as long as you are an active Sinclair faculty or staff member (full or part-time) and you have not violated any applicable College policies or public laws while using the individual web space service.
  • The URL for the Sinclair individual web pages is sites.sinclair.edu. The format for your individual URL is http://sites.sinclair.edu/member-pages/lastname-firstname/. For example, John Doe's individual URL would be: http://sites.sinclair.edu/member-pages/doe-john/. The format of the URL is tied to the individual's username and cannot vary from that format. If a user requests, and is approved for, a change to his/her username, he/she may also request that his/her URL for individual Web space be changed to match. Changes in links that reference that revised URL are the responsibility of the user.
  • The College will NOT host domain names other than sinclair.edu.
  • Technical support documents including information on supported web technologies can obtained from the IT Help Desk or found on the link for Technical Support above.
  • You are responsible for the maintenance of your individual web space including but not limited to: broken links; outdated content; and outdated graphics. The College is not responsible for maintaining your individual web space.
  • Your individual web space is viewable on the Internet not just the college Intranet.
  • IT will maintain backup copies of your individual web pages. However, in order to assure proper backup and quick recovery, you should also maintain your own backup copies.